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Pickens County Democrats
Pickens County, Georgia

To receive notice of planned events and activities of the Pickens County (Georgia) Democratic Committee, send an email with your name and home address to

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  Pickens County Democrats (2024 Election)  
Where are we located (precincts)?
Check your voter registration here
(My Voter Page, Ga. Sec. of State)

Donate here (by credit card) to Pickens Co. Democrats

Checks may be mailed to Pickens County Democrats, P.O. Box 1634, Jasper, GA 30143

Our Values:

(reformatted March 10, 2023)



No. 23–939. Argued April 25, 2024 — Decided July 1, 2024

[Presidential Immunity]

Syllabus (headnote), pp. 1-8
Opinion of the Court, Chief Justice Roberts, pp. 9-51
Concurring opinion of Justice Thomas, pp. 52-60
Opinion concurring in part of Justice Barrett, pp. 61-67
Dissent of Justice Sotomayor, pp. 68-97
Dissent of Justice Jackson, pp. 98-119

What is "Project 2025"?
     It's the project of a Trump-obedient organization, described in a 922-page document (titled Mandate for Leadership) detailing what Trump minions intend to do to the Federal government if Trump is reelected and takes office in January 2025. (The document is here. It's very large, so give it time to download.) Articles and YouTube videos analyizing those consequences are linked here: (website) MSNBC, YouTube, 7/10/24
Wikipedia (7/25/24 update) The Guardian, 7/24/24
Democracy Docket, 7/9/24
Democracy Docket, 7/12/24
PBS, YouTube, 7/9/24
Democracy Forward (website), YouTube, 5/15/24
VoteVets on Project 2025, 7/11/24
Needles in Project 2025.pdf,
American Prospect, 7/17/24
MoveOn, 7/16/24
NAACP: OUR 2025, 8/7/24 Americans United, 7/17/24
Americans United, 7/13/24
Brennan Center, 8/7/24, 9/2/24
stop-project-2025, 9/2/24 AFL-CIO, 10/7/24

     A new President already can replace about 4,000 political appointees at the top of the Federal government with his/her choices (the Cabinet, heads of agencies, etc.) to direct the government according to the new President's priorities. (The Federal government employs about 2.95 million people nationwide and in U.S. territories, not counting military personnel.)
     But Project 2025 instead would replace an additional 50,000+ currently civil service employees with people pledged not to the Constitution but loyal solely to Donald Trump. They are expected to direct the entire Federal government according to whatever is emitted from the fevered mind of Trump — which escapes from his mouth, publicly and unexpectedly, at times that even his minions probably can't anticipate.
     (The Federal civil service is non-partisan, with its employees expected to have the necessary expertise to carry out the laws passed by Congress, within the responsibilities of their department or agency.)

Statement on Trump Threatening Our Allies (Again)

The following is a statement from Biden-Harris 2024 senior spokesperson Kevin Munoz in response to Donald Trump saying (again) on Fox News he would not defend our NATO allies:

"Extorting our allies, empowering Putin, and encouraging war is now a staple of Donald Trump's campaign stump. While Trump threatens to walk away from our NATO allies from the safety of a Fox News studio, the people of Ukraine fight for their own freedom and right to exist with bravery and purpose Trump could never understand — because he only cares about what's good for Donald Trump. That's not who the American people are – over 70% of whom stand against Trump's plan to let Putin 'do whatever the hell he wants.' Trump is a weak leader – someone who doesn't understand the power of democracy here at home or across the globe. That’s why he'll lose again to Joe Biden this November."

Paid for by Biden for President

For anyone interested in starting a Young Democrats of Georgia chapter in Pickens County for individuals under the age of 36, fill out the YDG Member Interest Form here.

Final Report.
Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol.
December 00, 2022, 117th Congress Second Session, House Report 117-000
(PDF pagination, 840 pages; Table of Contents, pp. 20-25; Executive Summary, pp. 27-219; Narrative, pp. 221-695; Endnotes pp. 696-714; Recommendations pp. 715-718; Appendices pp. 719-840)

"Trump charged in Georgia 2020 election probe, his fourth indictment." By Holly Bailey and Amy Gardner, Washington Post, August 14, 2023

Indictment (98 pages, 41 counts, 19 defendants)
[Aug. 14, 2023]

Indictment of Donald Trump:
[June 8, 2023: Classified Documents]

United States of America v. Donald J. Trump and Waltine Nauta, Defendants

Indictment of Donald Trump:
[Aug. 1, 2023: 2020 Election & January 6]

United States of America v. Donald J. Trump, Defendant
From the New York Times, August 1, 2023:
The Four Charges in the Donald Trump January 6 Indictment
  • 1 count:  Conspiracy to defraud the United States
    The charge against Mr. Trump details the various methods he and co-conspirators used to try to overturn the results of the 2020 election.
  • 2 counts:  Related to efforts to obstruct the vote certification proceedings
    Mr. Trump faces two charges involving the vote certification proceedings at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021: one of obstructing that process and one of conspiring to do so.
  • 1 count:  Conspiracy to violate civil rights
    Related to Mr. Trump’s attempts to reverse election results in states with close elections in 2020.

Website of the Progressive Council

of the Democratic Party of Georgia

Pickens Democrats
Meetings and Events

Dates in this color are from the Georgia Secretary of State's election calendar.

Dates in a box are activities of the Pickens County Democratic Committee.

Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 6:00 p.m. - Pickens County Democratic Committee regular meeting. Pickens Co. Recreation Center, 1329 Camp Road, Classroom 2.

Tuesday, May 20, 2025, 6:00 p.m. - Pickens County Democratic Committee regular meeting. Pickens Co. Recreation Center, 1329 Camp Road, Classroom 2.

Tuesday, July 15, 2025, 6:00 p.m. - Pickens County Democratic Committee regular meeting. Pickens Co. Recreation Center, 1329 Camp Road, Classroom 2.

Tuesday, September 16, 2025, 6:00 p.m. - Pickens County Democratic Committee regular meeting. Pickens Co. Recreation Center, 1329 Camp Road, Classroom 2.

Tuesday, November 18, 2025, 6:00 p.m. - Pickens County Democratic Committee regular meeting. Pickens Co. Recreation Center, 1329 Camp Road, Classroom 2.

Tuesday, January 20, 2026, 6:00 p.m. - Pickens County Democratic Committee regular meeting. Pickens Co. Recreation Center, 1329 Camp Road, Classroom 2.


"As Cases Rise, COVID Data Quietly Vanishes.", August 7, 2024

"Why Covid is surging this summer — and what health experts say has changed." By Elizabeth Cooney, Andrew Joseph, J. Emory Parker, Rohan Rajeev, and J. Emory Parker, July 18, 2024

Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Information Sources
Pickens County
Health Department
CDC logo WHO logo