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Pickens County Democratic Committee
Pickens County Democratic Party
Pickens County
Democratic Committee
West (Commission District 1)
Post 1 (2024-2028): Sara Bland
Post 2 (2024-2028): Marilyn Oatway
Post 3 (2024-2028): (vacant)
Post 4 (2022-2026): (vacant)
Post 5 (2022-2026): (vacant)
Post 6 (2022-2026): (vacant)
East (Commission District 2)
Post 1 (2024-2028): G. David Robinson
Post 2 (2024-2028): Mark Dickerson
Post 3 (2024-2028): Mary Ellen Johnson
Post 4 (2022-2026): Ellen Harrison
Post 5 (2022-2026): Terry Franzen
Post 6 (2022-2026): Rebecca Cantrell
Countywide (Commission Chair District)
Post 1 (2024-2028): Bessie Stephenson
Post 2 (2024-2028): (vacant)
Post 3 (2024-2028): (vacant)
Post 4 (2024-2028): (vacant)
Post 5 (2024-2028): (vacant)
Post 6 (2024-2028): (vacant)
Post 7 (2022-2026): Jay Minor
Post 8 (2022-2026): Tim Hanofee
Post 9 (2022-2026): Alan Johnson
Post 10 (2022-2026): Kayla Hollifield
Post 11 (2022-2026): (vacant)
Post 12 (2022-2026): (vacant)

Districts for election of members of the Pickens County Democratic Committee are identical to districts for the election of County Commission members.

Names in bold were appointed to unexpired terms.

For posts in which the member has not maintained contact with the PCDC, the member is considered to have resigned and the post considered to be vacant.

Election of Committee members takes place in every Presidential and Gubernatorial election year, within 45 days after Georgia's General Primary election.

Revised June 1, 2024